- Rides are published on our calendar, Yahoo Groups, and Facebook.
- A Ride With GPS (RWGPS) map is available for each ride. Check for elevation change and match to your ability. RWGPS is a free benefit of club membership.
- Rides are rated by speed. A= 19+ mph, B= 16-18 mph, C= 12-15 mph, and D = up to 12 mph. Check the speed rating and ride lengths to see if they match your ability. These are general classifications that do not factor in terrain. Check the ride elevation profile, or talk to the ride leader about a rides ability level. Generally, you should expect to ride a speed class lower on hilly terrain compared to flat terrain, or at least from the upper end of a speed range to the lower end of a speed range. If you are inexperienced in riding with hills, typically the less fit and/or heavier you are, the greater the impact hills will have on your effort at any given speed compared to flat ground.
- Download your ride into your bike computer or print out a map from RWGPS.
- The ride time that is posted is the start time. Rides start promptly at the announced time.
- Please arrive early enough to perform simple bike safety checks such as tire pressure, brakes, extra tube, etc… A great reminder is ABC; A=Air, B=Brakes, C=Chain… the 3 items that must be in good working order for a successful ride.
- All riders are to sign in on BRBC’s official sign in sheet. Nonmembers are limited to two club rides.
- A ride leader is present for each ride. The ride leader will give a short briefing about the ride a few minutes prior to departure.
- All rides require a helmet.
- Headphones are not permitted.
- Bring hydration – water bottles or camelback, and something to eat. Most rides include store stops so bring $.
- Bring your cell phone
- During the ride please be courteous, obey traffic laws, and be aware of your surroundings.

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