Baton Rouge Bike Club

Promoting Bicycling in Louisiana’s Capital City Since 1964

Welcome to Baton Rouge Bike Club!

The Baton Rouge Bicycle Club works collaboratively to encourage and promote bicycling as a way of life and as a safe and enjoyable recreation and transportation option.

We see a future when the Baton Rouge area is a place where the infrastructure and culture allows anyone to go anywhere, anytime; safely, confidently, and conveniently by bicycle; when the club exists only to celebrate and appreciate the joy of cycling.

Why Become A Member ?

The Baton Rouge Bike Club is a member-supported organization. We provide free rides throughout the year, several events, as well as advocating for bicycling in the local area and statewide. Your membership helps support these activities as well as adding your voice to let policymakers and officials know that you support our work.

Additionally, BRBC membership provides a benefit that we hope you never need – additional insurance coverage. As a member of BRBC, because of our affiliation with the League of American Bicyclists (LAB), we receive insurance to provide medical coverage for club member participants in all BRBC activities. We hope that no member ever has an accident, but it’s nice to know that help is out there in case it is needed.

Upcoming Rides & Information

About a Club Ride


Tips & Tricks

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