Letter from the President

Happy new year to you all! I would like to introduce myself as the new president of the Baton Rouge Bike Club (BRBC). I hope in the coming days to get to ride with some of you and hearing insights about BRBC activities as well. We have many members and many former members, and I would like to ask for ideas to make our club as great as it can possibly be. Please email me with your ideas. If I believe that they may work for BRBC and our ideals then I certainly will reach out to you for more info.
As I settle into my new position I assure you that I have BRBC’s best interests in mind along with your safety. We have a great group of members and some fantastic ride leaders. In 2021 we are hoping to increase our membership, not to help our club, but to develop rider’s capabilities and to help the charities that benefit from our rides. Board members include Alaric Haag, Bruce Wickert, Lynn Johnson, Mike Constantin, Mike Porter, Tony Boudreau, and Faith McCorkle. Many of the board members are ride leaders, along with Kyra Fitzgerald and Lou Leggio.
As safety being a big part of our rides, we offer insurance for our members on BRBC rides. In order to continue to provide that and to have larger turnouts we would like you to consider joining. Our fee is very low in regards to what is gained and the discounts that are offered at the various bike shops in our area. Please see benefits below.
Happy new year to all of you and thank you for your membership and former membership. Our club would not be where it is today without all of you!

Best regards,
Cody Armand
BRBC President
[email protected]

Why should I be a member of BRBC? Because BRBC……
• Provides multiple weekly rides
• Provides ride insurance while on club rides
• Creates and posts over 100 route maps
• Conducts safety classes
• Trains ride leaders
• Maintains the Google group postings
• Updates the Facebook page
• Includes Ride with GPS membership
• Has multiple rides that supports local charities
• Members receive a discount at most local bike shops
Please join today.

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