Official BRBC Statement on WFP Ordinance 2018OCT03-01

The Baton Rouge Bike Club (BRBC) board of directors is disappointed with the recently passed ordinance in West Feliciana Parish (WFP) regulating cyclists.  We will not schedule a ride or event there until such time this ordinance is changed or overturned.  There is too much exposure for the club, as organizers, and for the participants.

We aren’t asking that members boycott riding on WFP roads, but we advise cyclist to follow the new restrictions. Bike there, but don’t buy there. Cyclist, relatives, and friends can affect the businesses that operate within the Parish by choosing not to spend tourist dollars there as part of a strategy to encourage the Parish council to change or delete the new ordinance.


For additional BRBC comments concerning the ordinance and State law, and click HERE.

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