BRBC Weekend Rides – April 18-20, 2014

BRBC Weekend Ride Report & Newsletter

Weekend Rides –
Friday, April 18, 2014
Good Friday… A Great Day For A Ride!

It’s a B & C ride starting from the Magnuson Hotel in St. Francisville. 8:00 AM clip-in time, but this might be delayed a bit to avoid rain. Watch your e-mail for updates on ride status starting around 6:30 AM.

B group will use the map/cue sheet “StFrLoop-45, and the C group will use the map/cue sheet StFrLoop-34. Both files can be found in the “Files” area of the BRBC Yahoo group site in the folder: “maps/Saint Francisville”. .TCX files for your Garmin Edge GPS are available in the same location inside the GPS folder.

B Ride Leader: Mike Constantin – 225-937-9157
C Ride Leader: Herb Sumrall – 225-921-5488

Weekend Rides –
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Centreville, MS. Vine Brothers Restaurant… Any Questions?

Bruce is heading off to Centreville, MS with the B group. Ride starts at Vine Brothers Restaurant on the corner of MS Hwys 33/24 & Lower Centreville Rd. Clip-in time is 8:30 AM. Routes of 40 & 53 miles are planned. Bruce will have maps/cue sheets available at the start.

After the ride, Bruce will offer a “teachable moment” on the fine art of dining at Vine Brothers… and you thought he only taught riders to fix flats, and broken chains… WRONG!

Bruce knows food.

Weekend Rides –
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Tour du Cafe
Join us for a mid-day relaxed pace ride with a choice of distances.

Broadmoor Methodist – 11:00 AM
Goodwood Park – 11:30 AM
City Park – Noon

Ride starts from the Broadmoor Methodist Parking lot (Molylea @ Sharp) at 11:00 for 40 miles. (We meet in the south side of the parking lot near the 2 story Adult Education Building.) I will be arriving by white pickup with a green bike in the back at BUMC.
The group picks up riders at Goodwood Park at 11:30 for 30 miles
The group picks up still more riders at the City Park Tennis Center at Noon for 20 miles.
This is a no drop ride with a C pace (10-15 MPH but no faster than the slowest rider). It is also known for its teachable moments, as many times less experienced riders will be able to learn from the more experienced participants. No classroom or test, but wouldn’t you like to learn how to avoid a crash, or change a flat quickly?
The group normally stops several times, including BRBeach, Farr Park trailhead, and a stop downtown for coffee or other refreshments.
225.963.8616 (voice or text)

Rides & Events

** Check the BRBC web site calendar for more details about the rides & events listed below. (

St. Francisville Ride
Centreville, MS ride
Tour du Cafe

Doyle’s Bayou Park Ride
(Ride Leader Needed)
Tour du Cafe

Clinton Market DayRide
Tour du Cafe

Red Bug Hill Challenge St. Francisville (
Tour de Cure Mandeville (

Long Leaf Trace Overnight Ride
Hattiesburg MS – Prentis MS – Hattiesburg MS
Tour du Cafe

Jackson Ride
Tour du Cafe
Copyright © 2014 Baton Rouge Bicycle Club, All rights reserved.


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