Happy New Year! First BRBC Rides of 2014!

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Happy New Year!
First BRBC Rides of 2014

Clinton Market Day Ride
10:00 AM – Jan 4, 2014

It’s January, and that means rain or cold, and hopefully not both. Forecast calls for cold, so the start of this ride will be delayed to let the sun work its magic, and warm the air above 40 degrees. Show up early and shop the market, as it will be closed when we return to town.

Join us for the monthly Market Day ride from Clinton. We will use the Clinton Spinout map. This route will then have a choice of 22, 31, 49, 59 miles. There is also a 61 mile route that goes through Easlyville with a store stop at the Hatfield’s Grocery (formerly Nicks)

Both routes are available on the Yahoo website, and will be in print form at the ride start.


GPS map available for the 61 mile at Ridewithgps website


Pace will be “B” which is 16-18 MPH average, and hopefully at the low end of this range as it is time for winter pace, but regardless, but no one will be left behind (we wait at turns)

Meet at the “Breath of Life Full Gospel” parking lot, Jackson @ Bank street, one block south of courthouse square. Maps will be available at the start.

If you need help getting to Clinton, follow the map from I-10/12 split. Turn left just before the Valero convenience store to bypass market day traffic.



Tour du CafeSunday Jan. 5, 2014

Join Bruce for a mid-day relaxed pace ride with a choice of distances. Ride starts from Broadmoor Methodist Parking lot (Molylea @ Sharp) at11:00 AM for 40 miles. (meet in the south side of the parking lot near the 2 story Adult Education Building. I will have my white pickup truck). Next pick up riders at Goodwood Park at11:30 AM for 30 miles. Finally pick up still more riders at the City Park Tennis Center atnoon for 20 miles. This is a no drop ride, C pace (10-15 MPH but no faster than the slowest rider). This ride is also known for its teachable moments. The group normally stops several times, including BRBeach, Farr Park trailhead, and downtown for coffee or other refreshments. Rain is in the forecast, and if the weather is bad enough, the ride may be cancelled by email note by 10:00 AM.

Bruce – 225.963.8616 (voice or text)

Upcoming Events

Doyle’s Bayou Easy Loops

Tour du Cafe


Tour du Cafe

Livingston (new 50 mile route)

Tour du Cafe

Clinton (Market Day Ride)

Tour du Cafe

Erwinville (Dec 29 Ride Revisited

Tour du Cafe

Pine Grove

Tour du Cafe

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