Mixer and Meeting!

Calling all BRBC current and prospective members and anyone interested in riding around Baton Rouge…
What?: Club mixer/general membership meeting

When?: 6pm, Tuesday, Sept 3

Where?: The Bicycle Shop South (the new one in Industriplex area)
11060 Cloverland Ave, Baton Rouge, LA

And?: We’ll cover general club and regular ride info for new and veteran members. The Bicycle Shop team will perform an exciting, educational and informational demonstration! We’ll discuss upcoming event rides for the club (Fall Century event) and have representatives there to give info on the upcoming MS 150 and the Cystic Fibrosis rides. We will also discuss transitions that the club will be making with communications and membership. So we’ll have a fun time with all of this, but that’s not all! Following the power-packed informational portion, we will have some snacks and refreshments and a social mixer for you to catch up with your riding friends or meet some new ones.

Special note: B.Y.O.Ch. meaning Bring your own chair! Yes, that’s correct. Bring your favorite, comfy portable tailgating chair for your seating enjoyment!

We know some of you ride at this time; however, you could put in some extra miles leading up to it, and make it a rest day. We look forward to seeing some smiling faces and hearing of your adventures!
Questions: email membership@batonrougebikeclub.com

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