Red Bug Hill Challenge is ON

As some of you may have noticed, we’ve had a little rain. Ok, a LOT of rain, lightning, and thunder. More is forecast for Saturday so I’m sure you’re all wondering, “How are the wet roads going to impact my time up Red Bug Hill, and what can I do to get an advantage over my buddy?!?” Well, let a little air out of your skinny tires for a little more traction and plan to make it up to West Fel because the event will happen rain or shine!

Rain or Shine Red Bug Hill is a GO. Mike and Marie are making worst-case-scenario preparations so no excuses. If the weather is too bad to ride there’s plenty of room in the barn.

Support Spina Bifida and enjoy the food, music, and fun that always comes with this great event. You aren’t going to be riding in the rain in Baton Rouge so don’t just sit inside by yourself, come enjoy the rainy day with friends while supporting a good cause.

You can always ride the trainer when you get home 😉

Events and registration are located at 13918 Hwy 421, St Francisville, LA 70775.

PLEASE NOTE, the address is rural and GPS and Google maps do not always accurately portray the location on Hwy 421.

Directions from downtown Baton Rouge:

Take 1-110 NORTH all the way to the end. Turn RIGHT at the end of the exit ramp and go NORTH on Hwy 61. Continue on Hwy 61 for approximately 30 miles. Proceed THROUGH the town of St. Francisville. Approximately 8 miles NORTH of town, turn RIGHT on Hwy. 421. 13918 Hwy 421 is 3 miles down on your left.

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